Performance and Statistics

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Performance Management

Information about the different ways we measure our performance

Hyndburn Information

Hyndburn background information, key statistics and data links

Corporate Strategy

An ambitious and sustainable future for Hyndburn 2023 to 2028

Ward Profiles

Hyndburn interactive ward profiles for all sixteen wards providing population, age profiles, deprivation, tenure, household information.

Medium Term Financial Strategy

Our Financial Strategy and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) provides information for stakeholders and staff to understand our financial plans without being overwhelmed by a mass of financial statistics and information.


The following tables set out links to the mandatory data and information that the Council is required to publish quarterly, annually and only once.

Local Plan

The Local Plan sets out policies for the development and protection of land. It shows how and where new development will take place over the next 15 years.

Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, anybody can request information from us. We provide information on the Freedom of Information Act, and advise citizens how to request public information an authority may hold.

FOI request form