Your Privacy (Data Protection)

What do we do with your information ?

Hyndburn Council is committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services or have any dealings with us. The privacy notice below explains how we use information about you and how we protect your privacy.

The privacy notice contains a list of the services we provide and, for each one, gives you more information about what each service does with your information, as well as who we may share your information with and why.

What rights do you have ?

The data protection legislation gives you the following rights:

  • You can ask to be told what information we hold about you
  • You can ask for access to the information we hold about you
  • You can ask us to change information we hold about you that you think is incorrect nor inaccurate
  • You can ask us to delete or stop using information we hold about you
  • You can ask us to limit what we use your personal information for
  • You can ask to have your information given to you in a format that you can transfer to another provider

You can find more information about your rights in our privacy notice

Do you want to know what information we hold about you or do you want a copy of it? Then you need to make a subject access request. Find out more and download the application form here.

How do you contact our data protection officer ?

Our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) is Jane Ellis (who is also the Executive Director (Legal & Democratic Services)). She is responsible for data protection at the Council.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer as follows:

Address Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street
Phone number 01254 388 111


You can find out more about the role of the DPO in our privacy notice

Find out more – our policies and procedures

Find out more about our data protection policy.

Find out more about how we deal with subject access requests.

Find out how we deal with data protection breaches.

Find out more about privacy impact assessments.

Want to know more about cookies?  You can find more information in our privacy notice