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We want to hear from you

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 gives Local Authorities the ability to make Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs). PSPOs are intended to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in an area that is detrimental to residents of life. The orders impose conditions on the use of that area which applies to everyone.

They are designed to ensure that you can use and enjoy public spaces without experiencing anti-social behaviour.

A fixed penalty notice for £100 can be issued to a person who fails to comply with an order. If they fail to pay the fixed penalty they can be prosecuted in the Magistrates’ Court and fined up to £1,000.

We wish to hear your views and you can do this by completing the survey for each order. This consultation will run for a period of four weeks (Closing Date – 30th June), after which the results and comments will be used to provide information to the Council on which PSPOs should be introduced. Once this is decided they will be sign posted at areas of the Borough affected.

1. Dog control orders

We wish to hear your views on our proposals to extend the current controls on dogs for a further three years.

For the next three years we want to continue

(i)        dog owners or the person in charge of a dog having to clear up after their dog if their dog fouls any open land in the borough to which the public have access.

(ii)       to exclude dogs from children’s play area and bowling greens

These two controls do not affect a person using an assistance dog.

(iii)       We care about the welfare of dogs and want them to be able to exercise safely and not in a way which causes distress to other people. The Council is asking for your support to continue the requirement for dogs to be kept on a lead in the grounds of Churchfield House in Great Harwood and the requirement for dogs to be kept on a lead in the centers of the Borough’s main townships and in cemeteries where dogs running over graves may cause distress to others.

2. We also want to hear from you about proposed new dog control orders

Every year we get complaints from sports pitch-users about dogs fouling the pitches. This can pose a health risk to users, which includes children and young people.

In addition the Council receives complaints of dogs fouling the Rose Garden at Haworth Park. The Garden is used for high quality events such as weddings and for outdoor art events.

We want an order to require dogs to be kept on a lead when within designated areas of Council owned sports pitches and when in the Rose Garden at Haworth Park.

You can request a paper copy of the consultation from the Council by emailing

Complete the survey (Closing Date 30th June)

Click the link to take the survey

Public Sector Protection Order 2021 List of sites