Getting out and about is a walk in the park with Spring Into Action

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The community interest organisation, Spring Into Action, are helping people with learning disabilities and/or autism transition to face-to-face support groups after a difficult year.

Meeting each week outside the Coach House, Rhyddings Park, the guided walks are helping people re-connect and overcome anxiety around leaving their homes. The series of weekly walks around the park are led by an active chaperone and open to all adults who have a learning disability and/or autism.

Throughout the pandemic Spring into Action have offered extensive online support to a network of users. This new initiative adds to that existing offer with a focus on emotional and physical wellbeing. Made possible through the Hyndburn Community Champions Fund, the walks have been a huge success.

Lucy Hamlin, Director at Spring into Action said:

“After being told for over a year that people must stay inside to keep safe
it has been very difficult for many to now take that next step and join face- to-face groups. Participants have really enjoyed getting out and about in a safe covid-secure way. Meeting peers in local parks and green spaces is a really positive experience that helps them be healthier and happier.”

Spring into Action launched in October 2012. Their vision is for an inclusive society, where people with learning disabilities and/or autism can fully participate. They work to this vision by providing high-quality activities that are safe, regular and affordable, allowing people to flourish and achieve their potential.

Spring into Action also lead ‘Meet n Match’ which is a friendship and dating agency for people with a learning disability and/or autism. The project aims to reduce social isolation, increase connections and support people with learning disabilities, autism or both, to have safe relationships. The service provides the opportunity for people to go on dates, access relationship training, and also provide evening social activities.

If you would like to learn more about Spring Into Action, their projects or their services please visit:

call: 07543 021673
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