Freedom of the Borough medals presented

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On Thursday 22 September Andy Holt and Sarah Barton were presented with their medals after being awarded Freedom of The Borough earlier this year.
Cllr Miles Parkinson OBE, Leader of the Council and Cllr Abdul Khan, Mayor of Hyndburn, gave speeches at the small ceremony which took place at Haworth Art Gallery – thanking the honorary guests for their work in Hyndburn.
Mayor of Hyndburn, Councillor Abdul Khan, said:
“It was an honour to present these badges to Andy Holt and Sarah Barton, two people who have shown many years of dedication and determination in their efforts to improve our borough and work for our community.
“I would like to offer them thanks on behalf of our residents for their service and support.
“Freedom of the borough is the highest award we can bestow as a local authority and it is very well deserved, congratulations to both of you.”