Taxi Drivers Prosecuted and Fined for Littering in Council Crackdown Against Flytipping

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[L – R: William Radcliffe, Waste Enforcement Officer, and Cllr Steven Smithson, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services]

Two taxi drivers have been prosecuted within Hyndburn for throwing litter from their car windows as Hyndburn Borough Council crackdown on flytipping and littering within and around the borough.

Both cases were presented to Burnley Magistrate’s Court and tried by magistrates at the end of August 2023, proceeding with the hearings despite the two defendants failing to attend Court on the day.

Cllr Steven Smithson, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services, said:

“I have always been vocal about my commitment to cleaning up our borough and I can assure residents that I will continue to push forward with this throughout my time as Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services. Simply put, littering is completely unacceptable and it is a real shame that a minority of people think that they can get away with this.

I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in seeing the prosecution of these individuals and I am keen to remind all residents that these individuals are not the exception – there are hefty fines for flytipping waste (including littering) and this ongoing Council action demonstrates our commitment to enforcing these consequences in service of shaping a cleaner, healthier Borough.”

The two defendants were both found guilty and convicted of the offence, resulting in hefty fines for their offences. Both Defendants faced £220 fines, £88 victim surcharges, and £250 cost for the Council, totalling to £558 to be paid to the court within 28 days or they will face further charges.

Hyndburn Borough Council have a zero tolerance policy towards flytipping and littering, therefore enforcement action could be taken against anyone who: drops or deposits litter, fails to present their waste in their wheeled bin, allows waste to accumulate on their property, or fly-tips waste. To find out more information about enforcement action within Hyndburn, including how to report an incident to the Council, head to: