Dog Fouling

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Dog Fouling and Enforcement

The Dog Warden and a team of Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing Section 6 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, which requires owners to clean up any faeces left by their dogs. Anyone found committing an offence under this Act will be issued with a £100 fixed penalty.

The Council currently has over 300 dog bins strategically placed in parks, playing fields and selected open spaces. They are post-box red in colour with a No Dog Fouling motif on the front.

Over the years we have carried out extensive signage in our Borough and today that work continues with new signs being put up every week.

We rely heavily on intelligence given to us by the public in the implementation of this legislation and as such are always grateful to receive any help we can in identifying the perpetrators of dog fouling.

There is also a program of promoting responsible dog ownership with visits to schools.

Public Space Protection Orders

Find out more about restrictions for dogs in certain public open spaces in Hyndburn.