Planning Application forms and Notices to be served on unknown owner etc.

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To see more about how we record and store your information please see the Council’s privacy notice.

The forms available via the links in the spreadsheet have been updated to comply with the GDPR. Please delete any old forms which you may have downloaded.

An excel spreadsheet of most planning application forms. Check which form you need, then click on the link to the Planning Portal for the form. You can download the spreadsheet for later use. Most of the forms will be branded with the Hyndburn logo. This method will be slightly faster than the link to the Paper Forms chooser if you need more than one form. Notices and fee schedules are available via the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet. This is an updated spreadsheet from May 2022. Links in the previous spreadsheet may no longer work.

Forms and  online applications can be made on the Planning Portal. See this internal page for further information on planning application forms 

Or  this link to the Planning Portal paper forms chooser page.

Planning application forms. Branded as Hyndburn Borough Council May 2022 version.xlsxDownload
Application to modify or discharge a section 106 Planning Obligation 2019 . With forms for applicants to notify interested parties (Word docx file)Download
Application to modify or discharge a section 106 Planning Obligation 2019 . With forms for applicants to notify interested partiesDownload
