Demolition of Buildings

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Application to Demolish a Building

Under Section 80 of the Building Act 1984 anyone intending to carry out demolition work is required to notify the Council. This generally applies to the demolition of any building or part of a building greater than 1750 cubic feet. Further details are shown in the extract from the Building Act at the end of this section but if you are in any way unsure please contact us.

Notice should be given in writing to the Engineering Team and should include details of the building to which it relates and the nature of demolition works to be carried out.

Download and complete the Section 80 application form and return to –

Hyndburn Borough Council
Planning and Transportation
Scaitcliffe House ­

or email

The following information will also be required –

  • Level 3 Asbestos Survey of the structure
  • Method Statement of how the structure will be demolished
  • 1:1250 scale location plan

Persons carrying out demolition should also send a copy of the above Notice to –

0800 048 1820 (Choose Option 2 and then Option 1)
(Opening Hours: 08:00 – 17:00

Tel: 0845 835 1111

Property demolition: you can make a request for a permanent disconnect by writing to us at United Utilities Disconnections, PO Box 50, Warrington, WA55 1AQ.

Tel 0345 6723 723

The Council then has six weeks to respond with appropriate notices and consultation under Sections 81 and 82 of the Act. The conditions that the person carrying out demolition will need to comply with will be given within the Section 81 Notice issued by the Council.