

Internationally renowned sculpture arriving in Accrington


Over 3 million visitors across 40 countries and 5 continents have already journeyed inside an Architects of Air structure, and now it’s Accrington’s turn. ‘Lumini’ is an extraordinary inflatable space of light & colour for extraordinary projects, places and people.

Lumini, designed by Alan Parkinson, the beautiful and huge art installations are inspired by natural forms, geometric shapes, Islamic and gothic architecture. Visitors are invited to step inside to be immersed in radiant colour, created from daylight shining through the fabric.

The ‘Lumini’ structure arriving in Accrington has never before been experienced; it has been configured to perfectly fit the Rose Garden area at Haworth Park, and the spatial and sensory qualities of Lumini will complement / enhance the programme inside as part of the Connecting Cultures festival.

Visit the Lumini

All Lumini structured workshops are now fully booked! We apologise for any disappointment and thank everyone who is coming along.

We are pleased to announce after some slight adjustments and hard work from the team we can offer the following times for people to come and have a quick look inside:
Friday 14th: 12pm-1pm
Friday 14th: 2pm-6pm
Saturday 15th: 12:30pm-3pm
Sunday 16th: 10:30am-11am, 11:30am-12pm & 1:30pm-2pm 
These are not bookable, are walk-in and first come first served.
We cannot guarantee entry, there is a limit of 40 people inside the Lumini at any time and if we reach capacity you may be turned away
If there are other people waiting please keep your visit time short, so as many people can enjoy it as possible
Please come prepared to queue in the beautiful Lancashire weather
Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult
You will need to remove your shoes for entry
No running or leaning on the walls of the structure
All ages are welcome and it is wheelchair friendly (we will just check your wheels for stones and give them a wipe first!)
If you have any additional needs or questions please just ask one of the team.
The Lumini is located in the Rose Garden. Go past the main entry door to Haworth Art Gallery and through the main gate, you won’t miss it!
The gallery car park is extremely busy this week and will be fully closed on Sunday.
We advise planning ahead for parking a short walk away, using public transport, walking, or car sharing if possible. Remember to park considerately and allow for emergency vehicle access.
You are very welcome to take photos and videos inside.

As part of your entry to this amazing sculpture we will also be asking you to take part in our consultation about a new heritage centre for Accrington, this is optional, but all input is very appreciated!