Do You Need Planning Permission?

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You can carry out certain changes without planning permission using permitted development rights.

You can get the latest general advice from the Planning Portal or by clicking the logo above.

Rules allowing larger single-storey rear extensions to be built under permitted development previously referred to completion of the scheme by 30 May 2019. This has now been made permanent and importantly the building does not have to be completed by a fixed date. This also applies to previously determined applications.  See the latest fees on the Planning Portal

For more information  follow this  link to the Planning Portal to the Prior Approval page and see the Larger Home Extension information.

Please follow this link to the Planning Portal for common householder projects.

The Council have a pre-application advice service which you can use prior to submitting an application or  carrying out development. This can be found on the  pages below.

See Further information below for HBC validation checklists –  our requirements for individual application types. Please scroll down the list of downloads to find the correct checklist.

For information about signs follow this link:

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It is your responsibility for seeking, or not seeking, planning permission. If required, planning permission must be granted before any work begins or you may be liable to enforcement action.

Even if you do not need Planning Permission you may need approval of your works to ensure that they comply with the Building Regulations.  For further details please visit the Building Control section of the website.

For advice prior to  demolition view the Demolition pages and the Planning Portal.