Car Parking and Access Standards Adopted December 2010

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Car Parking and Access Standards Adopted December 2010

These standards were adopted by the Council on 07  December 2010.

They relate to provision of parking and access standards associated with applications for planning permission within Hyndburn.

The standard prescribes the amount of car and motorcycle parking space and provision for pedal cycles needed for new developments and related changes of use to existing buildings.
e.g. a proposed change of use from a shop (where the car parking provision is based on the shop area), to a taxi booking office (where the car parking provision is calculated from the number of taxis working from that office) may require revised parking provision.

Click on the highlighted text  to get copies of the relevant documents.

Car Parking and Access Standards

If you want to make a new access over the verge or kerb please see the internal page Dropping a Kerb

If you want to know where to find public car parks follow the link  to the online mapping system and follow the instructions Public Car Parks. Please follow the detailed instructions if you have not already used the system.