Street Cleansing

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Helpful Hints and Tips

Picking up litter from Hyndburn’s streets costs hundreds of thousands of pounds each year.  The bulk of this is paid for by Hyndburn’s residents through their council tax. These costs will be reduced dramatically if residents are more responsible.

Everyone can help by:

  • Taking rubbish home or by using the litter bins provided
  • Not dropping any kind of litter. Chewing gum, cigarette ends and fast food make up a significant amount of the litter on our streets.  Gum is especially difficult and costly to remove off the floor so please wrap it and dispose of it property in a bin.
  • Talking to children, family and friends about litter, financial cost and local environment.
  • Not throwing your or anyone elses litter from vehicles and also not tipping the contents of the ash tray on to the street.
  • Returning wheeled bins back to their property as soon as possible after collection so the area can be mechanically swept the following working day.
  • Taking pride and consider getting involved in or organising a community litter pick.
  • Being a responsible dog owner and cleaning up after your dog, don’t leave the mess for someone to step in.
  • Contacting the Customer Services Team on 01254 388 111 if you see anyone dumping rubbish.

Did you know!

  • Each day, the hand sweepers collect enough litter and rubbish to fill around 100 refuse sacks.
  • Each month, the mechanical sweepers pick up around 100 tonnes of litter and debris.

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