Sustainable Community Strategy

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What it means to you

The Sustainable Community Strategy has been developed to address the issues that matter to local residents and to make Hyndburn “the place to be” over the next ten years. The strategy focuses on making Hyndburn a place where:

  • A place with a thriving local economy and sustainable market towns
  • A place with a strong and balanced housing market where people choose to live
  • A place with high levels of educational achievement
  • A place where all people have the opportunity for a healthier and longer life
  • A place where people are safe, confident and proud to live
  • A place for everyone, which values and embraces diversity
  • A place that safeguards the environment

This is underpinned by three key principles, those of sustainable growth, narrowing the gap and assessing the impact of our actions.

The success of the Strategy relies on local organisations, groups and individuals working together at the district, town, neighbourhood and household level in the collective effort of realising the Vision.