Scrap Metal Licensing

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There have been some recent changes introduced by the government to regulate the scrap metal sector.

The Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 has replaced the previous registration system for scrap metal dealers created by the 1964 Scrap Metal Dealers Act. In its place has been established a new licensing regime which will be run and administered by local authorities. Every scrap metal dealer is now required to have a licence and operating without one will be a criminal offence.

Under the new legislation the definition of scrap metal dealers is extended so it now includes motor salvage operators, and the provisions in the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001 under which they operate will end once the new Act comes into effect on 1 October 2013.

A national register of scrap metal dealers can be found on the Environment Agency website.

There are two types of licences available, each valid for three years:

  • Site Licence
  • Collectors Licence (mobile collectors will need licences for every local authority in which they collect)

A licensee can hold only one licence in any one local authority area.

The fee to apply for a licence is £363 for a site licence and £292 for a collectors licence. Applications cannot be accepted unless the correct fee has been paid.

Please complete the Online form at the bottom of the page to apply. If you require a paper copy of the form, please download this here: Scrap Metal Applicaton – Paper form

Please note; Applications which are completed online will have a quicker response time than paper copies.

If you require assistance while completing the form, please use the following guide: Licence Application Guide

Contact us for further information

Environmental Protection Team
Scaitcliffe House
Omerod Street

01254 388 111