Accrington Area Action Plan

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Adopted Accrington Area Action Plan (AAP)

The Accrington Area Action Plan (AAP) forms part of the Local Development Framework (a set of planning documents which will eventually replace the Local Plan) for Hyndburn Borough Council. The AAP is a formal Development Plan Document and sets of the statutory planning policy for how Accrington town centre will change over the next 10-20 years.

The APP does not just focus upon setting the policy framework against which planning applications will be assessed, but it will consider how the regeneration of the town centre should be proactively delivered and co-ordinated by the public and private sectors in partnership.

The Council adopted the AAP on the 19th January 2012 along with the Core Strategy.

For further information on the AAP please contact:

Plans and Environment Team
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

Or e-mail the team at