5 Year Housing Land Supply

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5 Year Housing Land Supply

In line with Government priorities to help boost the supply of housing, the Council is required to identify and update annually a supply of specific  deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing against its housing requirement set out in strategic policies or against the Local Housing Need requirement (as calculated by the “standard method”) where the strategic policies are more than five years old.  Note: The latter is currently the case in Hyndburn.

Sites identified within the 5-year supply must be deliverable in accordance with definitions set out in current NPPF.  Sites for inclusion in the five year supply are assessed in accordance with this definition.

The Council’s latest 5 Year Housing Land Supply Statement is provided below, along with previous annual reports. It has been prepared in compliance with Government advice set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and accompanying Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). It confirms that the Council has a five year supply of housing land in the Borough.

Hyndburn 5-Year Housing Land Supply Statement