Memorial Park

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Memorial Park

Memorial Park and playing fields occupy a 5 and 4.6 Hectare site respectively to the north of Great Harwood on either side of Church Lane. Memorial Park itself lies to the northwest of Church Lane, whilst the playing field occupies a site bounded by Church Lane, Allsprings Drive and Brantfell Road.

Memorial Park itself occupies a sloping site with a variety of horticultural features ranging from mature woodland Memorial Parkwith informal access at the top end of the park to formal gardens around the war memorial on the Church Lane frontage.

You can access the park from four pedestrian entrances. There is no access for vehicles, however, there is unrestricted car parking along Church Lane.

The playing fields on the opposite side of Church Lane occupy a relatively flat site compared with the park area.

If you would like to get more involved in your local park further details are here.