Cohesion and Integration in Hyndburn

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Cohesion and Integration

Hyndburn a compact borough with a population of some 81,100 residents made up of people for a wide variety of backgrounds, faiths and ages. The population is set to grow by 2% over the next 20 years. Projections estimate by 2031, there will be 8000 extra households in the Borough with two thirds from the 65 and over age band (the over 85 age band is set to double during this period). The population is mostly White British (86.3%) and we have relatively large Asian Heritage Community which makes up 9.8% of the population.

The government has recently published Creating the conditions for integration that advocates local solutions to get communities working together. In Hyndburn we have long recognised the importance of supporting and working with our communities. We have a strong track record of partnership working and developing positive outcomes for the people of the Borough.

We have formed the Together in Hyndburn Group that meets quarterly and includes a range of partners. This group is led by Councillor Pam Barton and seeks to promote dialogue and support all activities that help our communities interact and get on together.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Head of Town Centre Development on 01254 380 980 or at the following address:

Hyndburn Borough Council
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

You can also e-mail us at