Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI)

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Restoration of Accrington's Historic Town Square

The Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) is a grant-giving scheme run by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to help repair and regenerate historic towns across the UK.

In October 2012 Hyndburn Borough Council submitted a first round application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for partnership funding for the Accrington Town Centre and PALS Centenary Townscape Heritage Initiative. Following successful Stage 1 and 2 applications to the HLF a grant of £1.5M has been secured. Work is now well underway on the creation of a new Town Square and close working between Hyndburn Borough Council, Lancashire County Council and consultants IBI Group will ensure a square of the highest quality to be proud of for the future. The anticipated completion date is August 2018.
The THI will provide an exciting opportunity to improve Blackburn Road, by regenerating some of Accrington’s key historic buildings and provide a defined town square dedicated to the memorial and celebration of the Accrington PALS regiment. The THI will also help fund public realm improvements around the Town Hall and Market Hall, while providing a chance for local people to learn more about historical buildings.

The THI will offer grants to building owners in the THI boundary to help fund:

  • The reinstatement of lost architectural and historic features (like period shop fronts and windows)
  • Structural and external repairs

Plans to consult with local businesses and stakeholders are also underway and more detail will be posted here when available.

Should you have any comments please contact Helen McCue Melling (Regeneration & Property Manager) on 01254 356 181 or