Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI)

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Town Square Opening

Everyone is welcome to Amazing Accrington, with a whole weekend of events planned to open the new Town Square on 10 November and to take part in ‘Battle’s Over, a Nation’s Tribute’ on 11 November, commemorating the centenary of the end of World War One.

Lots of events will take place over the weekend, starting with the official opening of Accrington’s new Town Square at 11am on Saturday 10th November. The Square, which will have new seasonal planters in place and a new lighting scheme to illuminate the Town Hall and Market Hall once darkness falls, will also host a vintage fair with themed food and craft stalls. An exhibition in the Market Hall featuring the ‘Extraordinary Women of Accrington’ will be open throughout the day.

On Sunday 11th November, Accrington, along with the rest of the United Kingdom, will mark the day 100 years ago when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War, by taking part in ‘Battles Over, A Nation’s Tribute,’ joining in a series of unique national events running from early morning right through to the evening.

The day will begin at 6am outside the Town Hall when a lone piper will join others across the country to play ‘Battle’s Over – Sleep in Peace’.

At 10.45am a Service of Remembrance will be held at the Cenotaph in Accrington’s Oak Hill Park, followed by a parade to Accrington Town Hall at 11.30am. Free transport leaves at 10am from Accrington Bus Station (Bay 11) for anyone needing a lift to and from Oak Hill Park. There are other Remembrance Services running throughout Hyndburn too, see for details.

At 2pm, renowned local actor Julie Hesmondhalgh and other actors will perform a special reading of the Accrington Pals play in Accrington’s Town Hall ballroom. The performance is free and tickets are available now CLICK HERE to book your tickets.

Along with all other towns and cities taking part in ‘Battles Over, a Nations Tribute’, at 6.55pm a lone bugler will play the Last Post and later at 7pm beacons of light will shine out from the Town Hall balcony whilst local churches ring out their bells for peace, before the Town Cryer, proclaims a ‘Cry for Peace’ in the Town Square at 7.05pm.

Later from 7:30pm Accrington Market Hall will become the canvas for a spectacular one-off 3D projection, running at intervals throughout the evening until 10pm and featuring the story of Amazing Accrington, reflecting Accrington’s people, places and history.

Council Leader, Cllr Miles Parkinson, said; “This is a big weekend for Accrington, when the brand new Town Square will be officially opened ready to host a series of events, not only over the weekend of 10th and 11th November, but also in the months and years to come. The 11th November marks one hundred years since the end of World War One and Accrington, the smallest town to raise a battalion of Pals, will join other towns and cities right across the country in a series of unique events, in ‘Battle’s Over, a Nation’s Tribute’. There is so much going on, including a reading by Julie Hesmondhalgh and other actors of the Accrington Pals Play and the spectacular one-off 3D projection onto the Market Hall, featuring local people, on Sunday 11 November. So please come along to Accrington on the weekend of 10th and 11th November and be part of Accrington’s past, present and future.”