Annual Report 2010-11

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Helping to Deliver on Health in 2010/11…

  • We want to make sure that as many people in Hyndburn can choose a healthy lifestyle and get access to our facilities, whatever their financial situation.  Over 1,000 residents on low incomes or benefits have benefited from subsidised leisure activities in the last year.
  • For less than the cost of a music download young people can swim for just 50p during the school holidays.
  • Over 13,000 children continued to benefit from free sports pitch hire sites, and over 450 adult matches continued to benefit from half price pitch hire.
  • The Council gave out over 400 free crown green bowling passes, enabling local people to make use of our excellent bowling facilities across the Borough at no cost.
  • We improved the facilities at Mercer Hall Leisure Centre, adding a new “Wellness Centre” complete with sauna and steam room.
  • In partnership with the NHS, we delivered health lessons to our young people in two local high schools.
  • In partnership with Hyndburn Leisure and Sport England, we launched the Active Women Scheme, which will provide low cost community sport and exercise classes to women throughout Hyndburn over the next 3 years.
  • Over 1700 Hyndburn residents pledged to become more active through our Active Pledge Scheme which rewarded them with discounted leisure activities.
  • The Council invested a further £63K this year aimed at improving allotment provision, encouraging local food growing, promoting healthier lifestyles and encouraging community engagement. The Allotment Regeneration Programme is a partnership project and is now in its third year.
  • Our ‘Workplace Health Awareness Team’ organise many lunchtime events to encourage staff to keep fit and healthy, including lunchtime walks, cycling, netball, tai chi and yoga.  100 Council staff took part in a special walking challenge and collectively walked over 11,000 miles!
  • ‘Room to Breathe’ DVD promoting Baby Safe messages was screened in the Council’s Benefits Hall to help reduce Infant Mortality in the Borough.