Annual Report 2010-11

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Housing and Regeneration


Delivering on Housing and Regeneration in 2010/11…

  • The Acorn Park housing development got underway with 36 out of the first phase of 84 dwellings completed.
  • The Council made available funding of £0.5 m for affordable housing for sale on Acorn Park.
  • We invested a total of £5.7 million on a range of projects in East and West Accrington that will improve housing in the Borough.
  • In partnership with Hyndburn Homewise, the Council’s investment of £68k for 325 Energy Efficiency Grants for the over 55’s raised an additional £241k in match funding, resulting in fuel bill savings for our residents amounting to £537,000.
  • We carried out a total of 133 Disabled Facility Grant adaptations to properties to enable people with a disability to remain in their own home.
  • We acquired 53 low demand or unfit houses taking the overall total to 501.
  • We’ve now assembled over 19 acres of land for redevelopment.
  • We refurbished 145 private homes in West Accrington taking the total number refurbished to 642.
  • The Council’s Housing Advice Team in partnership with the Citizens Advice Bureau continue to operate the Court Desk and this work has prevented 50 households from becoming homeless.
  • Through advice and partnership work the Council prevented 251 households from becoming homeless.
  • 36 long term vacant homes were brought back into use.