Benefits and Money

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Zero hours contract / Self Employed

If you’re on a zero hours contract, you can get statutory sick pay if you’re earning over £118/week.

I am on a zero hours contract and have been laid off, what do I do?    You may be eligible for Universal Credit to help with your living costs.

Apply for Universal Credit

You can’t get statutory sick pay if you’re self-employed – however if you have to take time off work and don’t get paid while you’re off, you might be entitled to claim benefits. Benefits Calculator.

You should claim for help with support with your Council Tax from the Council as you may be entitled to Council tax Support.

Council Tax

As part of its response to COVID-19, the Government announced in the Budget on 11th March 2020 that it would provide local authorities in England with £500 million of new grant funding to support economically vulnerable people and households in their local area.

The main principle of this is to initially provide a maximum £150 reduction to the Council Tax bills of working age Council Tax Support recipients with the potential of using the rest of the grant in a more flexible way.

There is no need to make a claim for the extra reductions and you do not need to have been directly or indirectly affected by Covid-19 to be entitled. We are currently working towards making these awards to those entitled and will send notices once the awards have been made. #Hyndburn

Employment and Support Allowance

You can apply for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work.

Debt Advice

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice Rossendale & Hyndburn provides free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on people’s rights and responsibilities.