
Emergency Planning

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The Civil Contingencies Bill was introduced to Parliament on 7 January 2004. Its development was informed from the start by close consultation with key stakeholders in what was an open [...] Read more of Emergency Planning

Act Now

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Our priority this Christmas is to keep everyone safe and secure while attending events and being in crowded places. The public can help by being vigilant and reporting anyone or […]

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What we do

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What we are responsible for Food safety is a major part of the Food and Safety Officer’s work. Our job is to ensure that food business supply wholesome and safe […]

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For the public

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We can assist you with food hygiene in the home. Before contacting the team directly we suggest that you view the Food Standard Agency’s (FSA) website as this provides comprehensive food […]

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Premise Licences

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The following is intended as a guide to making an application for a premises licence. Hyndburn Borough Council cannot take responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions. You may wish to seek […]

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