Community Safety

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Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse: 


Types of abuse in relationships

Not everyone recognises that they may be in an abusive relationship, behaviours can include:


Physical abuse

Such as acts of violence which can include pushing, hitting, punching, kicking, choking and using weapons.

Verbal abuse

Verbal abuse can include being sworn as, called names, being put down all the time

Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse can include telling you that you are a bad parent, constantly criticizing or blackmailing you, making you feel guilty

Financial Abuse

Not letting you go to work or have access to a bank card, running debts up in your name such as mortgage or rent arrears, credit card debts.

Coercive control

Isolating you from friends and family, controlling your finances, checking your mobile and social media sites, stopping you from seeking medical help

Psychological Abuse

Is the impact the abusive behaviour has on an individual resulting in psychological trauma such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sexual abuse

Is when you feel pressured into sexual activity for fear of what might happen if you don’t. It can also include being forced, such as rape.


Lancashire Victims Services

If a domestic abuse incident has been reported to the Police, you will automatically be contacted by Lancashire Victims Services if they have your contact number. They will see how you are after the incident and will offer you independent support if you want it.