Core Strategy

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Issues and Options Consultation (June / July 2006)

The Council undertook consultation The Core Strategy Issues and Options : A Discussion Paper and Sustainability Appraisal in June/July 2006. This paper looked to identify the main strategic, spatial planning issues likely to face Hyndburn in the next 15 years and to suggest options for addressing those issues.

The Core Strategy Issues and Options : A Discussion Paper, Sustainability Appraisal and Newsletter can be viewed through links above on this page. The results of the ‘Issues and Options’ consultation may also be viewed through the links shown below:

  • Report to Development Plans Working Group 13th September 2006
  • Appendix 1 Issues.
  • Appendix 1 Possibilities.
  • Appendix 2 Any Comments.
  • Appendix 3  18 -25 age group consultation.
  • Appendix 4 Summary of letters of response.