Council Tax Single Person Discount Review Form

Hyndburn Borough Council has taken part in a data-matching exercise with the Cabinet Office which is looking at Council tax payers who currently qualify for single person discount because you are the only person resident over the age of 18 at this address.

A comparison of the qualifying data has been made with Hyndburn Council’s Electoral Register which shows that there are more than one entry on that register at your address.

Hyndburn Borough Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for the prevention and detection of fraud.

It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing and administering public funds for these purposes.

You should also complete this review if you are in receipt of Council Tax Support.

Failure to do so, may result in your Council Tax Support entitlement and if you are in receipt of, Housing Benefit entitlement, being cancelled.

To assist the Council in carrying out this review, please complete this form by Friday 12 January 2024. If you do not return the form by Friday 12 January 2024 your Single Person Discount will be cancelled without further notice with effect from 01 December 2023 and you will be issued with a new Council Tax bill.

WARNING: Claiming a discount to which you are not entitled could result in a penalty of £70 being imposed.

General Data Protection Regulations 2018: The information on this form will be used to help the Council decide on liability for the Council Tax. The information will only be used in connection with the billing, collection and recovery of local taxes and revenues including the calculation of any associated discounts, reliefs and benefits. The data may also be disclosed to other local authorities for local taxation purposes only and to the Councils auditors.