Disabled Adaptations

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Disabled Facilities Grant Approval

Upon receipt of a full application for a DFG the Council will need to establish that the proposed works are:

  • Necessary and appropriate to meet the disabled person’s needs
  • Reasonable and practicable depending on the age and condition of the property.

The Council will employ the specialist skills of the Occupational Therapist to determine whether the proposed works are necessary and appropriate.

The Development Team will determine whether the works are reasonable and practicable having taken the advice of a Technical Officer.

The Council can approve a DFG when it is satisfied about each of these matters and the overall feasibility of the proposed works.  The Council can refuse the DFG if it is of the opinion that the proposed works do not meet these requirements.

The maximum Disabled Facilities Grant is £30,000 less the disabled person’s calculated contribution. Costs over and above this must be funded from some other guaranteed source.  Social Services might be able to help in this situation.

Work must not start before the Disabled Facilities Grant has been approved.

Adaptations that have already been started, or finished, cannot be considered for grant assistance.

When a DFG has been approved the Council can assist you in getting the work done.