Development Management DPD

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Main Modifications Consultation

As part of the on-going Examination in Public into the Publication version DM DPD, a number of ‘Main Modifications’ are now being proposed by the Council. The Council is proposing these modifications in order to improve the soundness of the Plan.

The proposed Main Modifications to the DM DPD are available for comment for a period of 6 weeks from Friday 14 July 2017 to Friday 25 August 2017.

Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications (open for comment)

Publication version DM DPD (September 2016) (for reference)


Hard copy versions of these documents are also available to view in all Council libraries and in the reception of the Council Offices at Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington, BB5 0PF, during normal working hours.

The Council has undertaken Sustainability Appraisal on the Proposed Main Modifications to ensure that any significant effects are properly considered.

Sustainability Appraisal Addendum of Main Modifications proposed

This is a final opportunity to comment on the proposed modifications to the document prior to the Inspector issuing her final report to the Council. Comments will be accepted by the Council up to 5pm on Friday 25 August 2017.

Please send any comments (quoting the relevant modification reference to which your comments relate) by email to, or post to Plans and Environment, Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington, BB5 0PF.

Please note that any comments received will be made available for public inspection, and can therefore not be treated as confidential. The Council will forward any responses received directly to the Inspector for consideration as part of the Examination process. On receipt of the final Inspector’s report the Council intends to implement any recommended modifications and adopt the DM DPD for use in all future planning decisions.

A number of ‘Additional Modifications’ which are minor modifications that the Council plan to make to the DM DPD which are not part of this consultation, and will not be considered by the Planning Inspector, are also set out in the schedule below. A post-submission version of the DM DPD incorporating all the proposed ‘Main’ and ‘Additional’ modifications is also provided below for reference purposes.

Schedule of Additional Modifications (for information only, not open for comment)

Development Management DPD Post-Submission version identifying all proposed modifications (for reference)