Development Management DPD

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Development Management DPD Submission (Jan 2017)

Submission of the Hyndburn Development Management DPD to the Secretary of State for Examination. Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 Regulations 22(3)(b) and (c)

On the 30th January 2017 the Hyndburn DM DPD and its supporting documents were submitted for independent examination to the Secretary of State.

A full list of submission and supporting documents were attached to the letter of submission.

Links to the key documents are available below:

Submission Documents

DM_Sub1.1 – DM DPD Publication version (Sep 2016)

DM_Sub1.2 – DM DPD Policy Maps (select the ‘POLICY’ category via the menu at the top-left of the screen, and then the DM DPD Publication (Sept 2016) link)

DM_Sub1.3 – DM DPD Sustainability Appraisal – Non Technical Summary (Sep 2016)

DM_Sub1.4 – DM DPD Sustainability Appraisal – Main Report and Appendices (Sep 2016)

DM_Sub1.5 – Appropriate Assessment Screening Report (Jan 2017)

DM_Sub1.6 – Legal compliance self-assessment checklist

DM_Sub1.7 – Soundness self-assessment

DM_Sub1.8a – Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Co-operate

DM_Sub2.13 – Regulation 22 Consultation Statement (and Appendices)

DM_Sub2.14 – Copies of all representations including proposed changes – 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4, 4 of 4

DM_Sub3.1 – Council Response to Regulation 19 representations including proposed changes

DM_Sub3.2 – List of additional Council proposed changes

DM_Sub4.1a – Hyndburn Local Development Scheme (2015)

DM_Sub4.2 – Hyndburn Authority Monitoring Report 2015-2016

Supporting Documents

The Council’s Evidence base pages contain links to the majority of the regional, sub-regional and Hyndburn specific studies and reports of relevance to the DM DPD Submission.

DM DPD Reports and minutes can be found on the Council’s relevant Committee webpages

DM_Supp3.1 – Housing Standards Topic Paper

Hard copies of all the Submission documents are available to view on request at Scaitcliffe House, Ormerod Street, Accrington, BB5 0PF (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9am-12.30pm, Wed 1.30-5pm).

Examination Documents

Documents submitted during the Development Management Examination (Prior to Hearings)

EX 01Introductory letter from the Programme Officer

EX 02Initial questions from the Inspector

EX 03Council’s response to the initial questions

EX 04Examination Guidance Note

EX 05Matters, Issues and Questions

EX 06Draft Examination (Hearing) Timetable

EX 07Participants letter to attend examination

EX 08Public Hearing Advert

EX 09Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 1

EX 10Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 2

EX 11Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 3

EX 12Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 4

EX 13Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 5

EX 14Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 6

EX 15Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 7

EX 16Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 8

EX 17Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 9

EX 18Hyndburn DM DPD response Matter 10

EX 19 – Hyndburn DM DPD response Any Other Matters

EX 20Home Builders Federation response Matter 2

EX 21Home Builders Federation response Matter 5

EX 22NJL Consulting response Matter 3

EX 23Persimmon response MIQs

EX 24 – Hyndburn DM DPD list of additional proposed changes

EX 25 Schedule of all proposed modifications in policy order

EX 26 DM DPD incorporating all proposed modifications

EX 27 – Examination Hearing Wednesday Morning Session timetable

EX 28 – Examination Hearing  Wednesday Afternoon Session timetable

EX 29 Examination Hearing Thursday Morning Session timetable

EX 30 Examination Hearing  Wednesday Afternoon Session timetable

EX 31 –  DM DPD Examination Library list

EX 32 –  Guidance Note GN7 Waste Management

EX 33 –  Dwelling Completions Internal Space

EX 34 –  HBC Note to Inspector Matter 5 Housing Issue 5i (range of deviations from space stds)

EX 35 –  KM Note to Inspector Matter 5 Housing Issue 5i (impact on sales revenues)

EX 36Copy of all Representations made to DM DPD Main Modifications Consultation

EX 37Report on Representations to DM DPD Main Modifications Consultation and Council Response

Further information will be available on the Examination webpage which will be updated frequently as the independent examination proceeds.