Development Management DPD

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Development Management Publication (Sep - Nov16)

On the 15 September 2016 the Council approved the pre-submission ‘Publication’ version of the Development Management DPD for consultation.

The Publication version of the DM DPD is the final version of the DPD which the Council wishes to adopt. Previous rounds of consultation on this document (Issues and Options, Preferred Options and Consultation Draft) have been taken into account in producing this Publication version. Following this consultation period the DPD will be submitted to the Secretary of State together with the representations received during this public consultation for Examination in Public sometime in 2017.

Representations are therefore invited on the Publication version of the DM DPD for a six week period starting Thursday 29 September 2016, ending at 5:00pm on Thursday 10 November 2016.

The proposed submission documents are:

The DM DPD has been produced using a number of different evidence base documents which are available to view via the link below. A Plan Viability Study that has been prepared in support of some of the specific policies in the DM DPD will be published by mid-October.

  • <a title=”
  • Hyndburn Evidence Base
  • ” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Hyndburn Evidence Base

Comments can be made via the official representation forms. An e-version has been provided to assist online electronic submissions, however should you prefer to complete by hand and post then a print version is also provided. Please note for either method that a Part A and Part B form is required for a valid submission.

Any representation should be made in accordance with the Statement of Representations Procedure and the Council has also produced guidance notes to assist in completing the representation form in an appropriate way. All relevant documents are available to download below.

Should you require any further information or have a query about any aspect of the Local Plan then please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01254 380174 or email