Development Management DPD

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Development Management Consultation Draft (Feb - Mar16)

The Council is producing a new planning document called the Development Management Development Plan Document (DM DPD). The DM DPD will form an important part of the new Local Plan for Hyndburn, containing detailed planning policies used by decision makers to help assess planning applications. The DM DPD will sit alongside the adopted Core Strategy and the Accrington Area Action Plan as part of the new Local Plan for Hyndburn. The DM DPD will replace the majority of Local Plan (1996) policies that remain saved and extant.

The DM DPD Consultation Draft is available to view below. The document was made available for comment for a period of 6 weeks from Thursday 11 February 2016 to Thursday 24 March 2016.

During the 6-week statutory consultation process, a total of 34 individuals/organisations submitted comments, many of which were detailed and covered multiple policy aspects of the DPD. All comments have been reviewed by Officers and categorised into a comment type (support / object / general comment). In total 248 separate comments were received and these can be broken down into:

  • 45 comments of support;
  • 63 comments of objection;
  • 140 general comments (neither clear support nor objection).

The Council’s Cabinet meeting of the 8 June 2016 approved a report detailing a summary of all comments received, the proposed Council response / further action required and any relevant associated notes. The Council will therefore now undertake any necessary further work in advance of producing the Publication version of the DM DPD in September 2016.

View the report to Cabinet detailing the Council response to all representations