Hyndburn Green Belt Assessment

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The Hyndburn Green Belt Assessment considers the contribution made by 'general areas’ of Green Belt in Hyndburn first, followed by the assessment of more detailed parcels of land against the five purposes of the Green Belt identified by the National Planning Policy Framework, namely:

  • Purpose 1 - to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas;
  • Purpose 2 - to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
  • Purpose 3 - to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
  • Purpose 4 - to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
  • Purpose 5 - to assist in urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.

The main report sets the history and context of the Green Belt in Hyndburn, provides details on the methodology, and presents the findings of the assessments of the general areas and specific parcels. It also considers the potential role of a small number of additional parcels of land not currently located within the designated green belt. Maps are provided separately below showing all the assessments and are also incorporated into the appendices of the main report.

Hyndburn GBA Final Report ISSUEv2 01 07 19 reducedDownload
Appendix E - Map of 'General Area' assessmentsDownload
Appendix H - Map of 'Purpose 1' parcel assessmentsDownload
Appendix H - Map of 'Purpose 2' parcel assessmentsDownload
Appendix H - Map of 'Purpose 3' parcel assessmentsDownload
Appendix H - Map of 'Purpose 4' parcel assessmentsDownload
Appendix H - Map of 'Overall Assessments' of parcels Download
Appendix I - Map of potential new Green Belt parcel assessmentsDownload
