Sustainability Appraisal of the Core Strategy Review and Site Allocations DPD – Feb19

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Reg 18 (2) Consultation Stage SA of the Core Strategy Review and the Site Allocations DPD - Main ReportDownload
SA Appendix 1 Review of relevant plans and programmesDownload
SA Appendix 2 Baseline mapsDownload
SA Appendix 3 Baseline informationDownload
SA Appendix 4 Audit trail of site optionsDownload
SA Appendix 5 Assumptions used in SA of site optionsDownload
SA Appendix 6 Detailed SA for reasonable alternative site optionsDownload
SA Appendix 7 (part 1) maps depicting SA scoresDownload
SA Appendix 7 (part 2) maps depicting SA scoresDownload
SA Appendix 8 Detailed SA matrices for Core Strategy Review policiesDownload
SA Appendix 9 Consultation responsesDownload
