Validation Checklists for Planning and other Applications – Adopted December 2012

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To see more about how we record and store your information please see the Planning Department's privacy notice.

These documents set out the requirements for different levels of information, supporting documentation and pre-application discussions for various categories of application. There is a summary of validation requirements and individual validation checklists for each category of application.

Click here for   the Car Parking and Access Standards and the associated Accessibility questionnaire

There is also contact information for HBC and external consultees.  You may wish to consult these before commencing with a development to ensure that you have all the necessary information.

This is especially recommended for wind turbine applications. In December 2013 the Government introduced further pre-application consultation requirements for certain wind turbine applications which can also be found below.

On 3rd September 2020 Lancashire County Council cabinet approved the LCC Education Contribution Methodology, updated in line with latest DfE guidance. The methodology can now be found via this link on the Lancashire County Council website on the Planning Obligations for Developers pages. From the 3rd September 2020 this will be the document that education contributions are based on. Please refer to this if you are contemplating a large housing development.

LCC as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA ) have revised pro-forma advice from January 2023. LLFA can provide relevant, accurate up-to-date advice regarding surface water and sustainable drainage systems (SUDS).

You can view the advice and forms on the LCC website:  Lead Local Flood Authority Advice

The LLFA form and guidance notes are also provided below.  Once you have submitted a pro-forma to the  LLFA they will inform you if their advice is needed, and if so the relevant fee.

Please note that the "VALIDATION CHECKLISTS FOR PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS amended May 2023" has the latest general requirements on so please refer to that as well as any individual checklist.

sustainable-drainage-systems-pro-forma 2023.docxDownload
guidance-notes-for-sustainable-drainage-systems-pro-forma Jan 2023.pdfDownload
Planning Applications disability needs and requirements LI additions 08 11 12Download
MOD Developers proforma form for wind turbine applicationsDownload
Lead Local Flood Authority. Information Checklist for Consultation [Effective 6 April 2015]Download
1. Outline with notesDownload
2. Householder with notesDownload
3. Full building extension or engineering works with notes.pdfDownload
3 Full garage on a garage site.pdfDownload
4. Full. Change of Use No alterationsDownload
5. Full. Change of Use with alterationsDownload
6. Reserved mattersDownload
7. Listed Building, Heritage alterations extension or demolition Validation RequirementsDownload
8. Conservation area consent demolitionDownload
9. Advertisements Validation RequirementsDownload
11. Lawful Development Cert. Proposed use or developmentDownload
12 Prior Notification Agricultural forestryDownload
13 prior notification telecom Full listDownload
14 prior notification demolitionDownload
15 Trees and HedgerowsDownload
16 Summary of Validation Requirements Domestic Microgeneration equipmentDownload
17 Summary of Validation Requirements non mat amend mat. amend extn to time limit docDownload
18 Summary of validation requirements Wind Turbines (revised)Download
