Core Strategy Submission Documents

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Supporting documents submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for the Core Strategy.

Core Strategy Publication Edition Sustainability Appraisal (Main Report)Download
Core Strategy Publication Edition Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix E)Download
Core Strategy Publication Edition Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix F)Download
Core Strategy Publication Edition Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix G)Download
Core Strategy Publication Edition Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix H)Download
Core Strategy Publication Edition Sustainability Appraisal (Non Technical Summary)Download
Core Strategy RSS Partial Review Submitted Draft 2009 Supp 1.pdfDownload
Inspector's Initial Questions and ResponsesDownload
Notice of Independent ExaminationDownload
Core Strategy Hyndburn Affordable Housing Viability Assessment Model Assumptions July 2009Download
Letter from Burnley Council withdrawing their objectionDownload
Inspectors Further Questions and Council ResponsesDownload
Core Strategy Strategic housing Market Assessment January 2009 Supp 3.pdfDownload
Core Strategy Hyndburn Housign Needs Assessment July 2008 Supp 3.pdfDownload
Core Strategy Huncoat Topic PaperDownload
Core Strategy East Lancashire Waste Technology Park Planning PermissionDownload
Core Strategy Huncoat Waste Technology Park CPO SoS Decision Letter Oct 2010Download
Core Strategy Huncoat Waste Technology Park and Link Rd CPO Inspectors Report Feb 2010Download
Core Strategy Lowergate Rd Employment Planning PermissionDownload
Core Strategy Whinney Hill Link Road Planning PermissionDownload
Core Strategy Whinney Hill Link Road Compulsory Purchase Order Secretary of State Decision Letter October 2010Download
Core Strategy Huncoat Ward Profile 2009Download
Core Strategy Pennine Lancashire Housing Strategy refresh Dec 2010Download
Core Strategy Guidance Notes for ParticipantsDownload
Core Strategy Draft Schedule of Matters and Issues For ExaminationDownload
Core Strategy Self Assessment of SoundnessDownload
Core Strategy Development of Housing within Gardens Final Interim PolicyDownload
Schedule of Changes to Accrington AAP to Submission from Publication VersionDownload
Core Strategy Central Lancs and Blackpool Growth Point Impact StudyDownload
Accrington AAP Self Assessment of SoundnessDownload
Core Strategy Schedule of Further Proposed ChangesDownload
Core Strategy Pre Hearing Meeting Questions with Council responsesDownload
Core Strategy Inspector's Notes from Pre Hearing MeetingDownload
Core Strategy Final Schedule of Matters and Issues For ExaminationDownload
Core Strategy Draft Balanced Development Strategy PolicyDownload
Core Strategy Summary Council Responses to Revised Publication ConsultationDownload
Core Strategy Hearing Sessions Programme Version 4bDownload
Core Strategy The Graham Bolton Partnership Ltd Further Statement 220811Download
Core Strategy Draft National Planning Policy FrameworkDownload
Core Strategy Dr Gaye Johnston response to Draft NPPF LetterDownload
Letter from Blackburn with Darwen Council about HuncoatDownload
Planning Inspectorate Guidance on the Draft National Planning Policy Framework ConsultationDownload
Notes of meeting between Council and Northern Transport Planning Ltd CS045Download
Notes of meeting between Council and RSPCA CS035Download
Notes of meeting between Council and Graham Bolton Planning Partnership Ltd CS034Download
Notes of meeting between Council and Omega Atlantic C0038Download
Notes of meeting between Council and Lancashire County Council re Minerals and WasteDownload
Roy Chetham CS005 Further StatementDownload
RSPCA CS035 Further StatementDownload
Dickman Associates CS024 Further StatementDownload
David Mason CS012 Further StatementDownload
Composite Huncoat Topic Paper inc extracts from sched of proposed further changesDownload
Ian Baseley Associates CS033 Further Statement Policy H1Download
Ian Baseley Associates CS033 Further Statement Policy RA1Download
Ian Baseley Associates CS033 Further Statement Policy H1 (2)Download
Ian Baseley Associates CS033 Covering LetterDownload
Blackburn with Darwen Counci CS015 Further Statement Matter 3 Spatial StrategyDownload
Blackburn with Darwen Counci CS015 Further Statement Matter 5 HousingDownload
Blackburn with Darwen Counci CS015 Further Statement Matter 7 Area BasedDownload
JWPC Ltd CS030 Further StatementDownload
Natural England CS031 Further StatementDownload
Notes of meeting between Council and Lancashire County Council re Minerals and Waste (2)Download
Andrew Gardner Chan CS002 Further StatementDownload
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 1Download
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 2Download
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 3Download
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 4Download
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 5Download
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 7Download
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 8Download
Core Strategy Further Statement Accrington AAP Matters and Issues 1 5Download
Core Strategy Omega Atlantic Limited CS038 Further StatementDownload
Core Strategy Circulation List of Pre and Post Submission DocumentsDownload
Matters and Issues Core Strategy 6Download
Pennine Lancashire Spatial Guide FinalDownload
Pennine Lancs Spatial Guide Key DiagramDownload
M65 Diagram Corridor Areas of Change and Strategic SitesDownload
Ribble Valley Strategic Sites DiagramDownload
Rossendale Areas of Change and Strategic Sites DiagramDownload
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Site Map NorthDownload
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Site Map SouthDownload
Details of Correction to Core Strategy Statement Matter 5Download
Amended Response to Accrington AAP Matters and Issues Section 3.pdfDownload
Lancashire Minerals and Waste Development Framework Schedule of Minor ChangesDownload
Accrington AAP Flood Risk ReportDownload
AAAP Schedule of Further Proposed Changes Flood Risk MattersDownload
Landscape and Heritage Supplementary Planning Guidance from Former Joint Lancashire Structure PlanDownload
Letter from Environment Agency re Flood Risk MattersDownload
Core Strategy Schedule of Further Proposed Changes (2)Download
List of Suggested Locations and Sites for Inspector to VisitDownload
Saved Policy 29 (Former Joint Lancashire Structure Plan) Sites for Gypsy and TravellersDownload
Lancashire County Council Local Transport PlanDownload
Lancashire County Council Local Transport Plan Draft Implementation Plan for ConsultationDownload
Council's Opening Statement for Hearing SessionsDownload
Hyndburn Local PlanDownload
Hyndburn Local Plan Proposals MapDownload
Site Plan land referred in Ian Baseley representationDownload
North West Partial Review Panel ReportDownload
Hearing Sessions Programme V5aDownload
Proposed Change to Gyspy and Traveller Policy H3Download
Dr Gaye Johnston response to Draft NPPF LetterDownload
Letter of Support for Core Strategy from Councillor Dave ParkinsDownload
Circulation List of Pre and Post Submission DocumentsDownload
Plan of Employment SitesDownload
Statement on Affordable HousingDownload
Additional Statement David Mason CS012Download
Council's Opening Statement for Huncoat SessionDownload
Email from Lancashire County Council about Huncoat matters and their views on the proposed changesDownload
Interim Policy Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People in HyndburnDownload
Email from Lancashire County Council Confirming CPO cover Phase 2 of Whinney Hill Link RoadDownload
Correction to Huncoat Topic Paper Paragraph 2 to Reflect CPO cover Phase 2 of Whinney Hill Link Road.pdfDownload
Plan Showing Land Ownership in HuncoatDownload
Planning Statement Addendum on behalf of What More Regarding Land at Altham Business ParkDownload
Details of Proposed Changes to Huncoat Section of Core Strategy to Pages 135 to 137Download
Huncoat Section of Core Strategy Pages 74 to 77 incorporating proposed changesDownload
Environmental Health Assessment of Noise Issues From RSPCA PremisesDownload
Environmental Health Suggested Noise Buffer Zone to RSPCA PremisesDownload
Further Schedule of Proposed Changes to Accrington AAP incorporating Schedule of Further Changes to Submission Document in Relation to Flood Risk MattersDownload
Revised Accrington AAP Proposals MapDownload
Council's revised response to the question on cumulative individual site impact on the strategic highway networkDownload
Councils note on Gypsies and travellers referred to in Hearing SessionDownload
Quod Planning Email Re Lancashire County Council Minerals and Waste Site Allocation DPD Examination In PublicDownload
Schedule of Changes to Implementation Section of Accrington AAPDownload
Accrington Area Action Plan Revised Figure 19Download
Amended Proposals Map Huncoat Showing Phase 2 of Whinney Hill Link RoadDownload
Accrington Area Action Plan Final Proposals MapDownload
Revised version of Core Strategy Key DiagramDownload
Housing Capacity in Accrington Town CentreDownload
Note on status of Areas of Special RestraintDownload
Core Strategy Composite Schedule of Further Changes Oct 2011Download
Accrington AAP Composite Schedule of Further Changes Oct 2011Download
Post Hearing Consultation Advert 071011Download
Post 5 11 Joint Statement by Blackburn with Darwen BC & Hyndburn BC on Whitebirk 2Download
Draft outline for brief for strategic employment land July 2010Download
Lancashire County Council Minerals and Waste Site Allocation DPD Schedule of Minor Changes Matter 12Download
Lancashire County Council Minerals and Waste Site Allocation DPD Revised Diagram BWF8 Huncoat Whinney HillDownload
Addendum to Core Strategy Composite Schedule of Further ChangesDownload
Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocation DPD Examination Inspector's NoteDownload
Council Statement on Huncoat relating to the issues arising from Lancashire Minerals and Waste Site Allocations DPDDownload
Responses To Consultation on Further Proposed ChangesDownload
Council Comments on Responses To Further Proposed ChangesDownload
Core Strategy Composite Schedule of Further Changes Addendum v2Download
Circulation List of Pre and Post Submission Documents (2)Download
Inspectors Examination Report Into Hyndburn Core Strategy And Accrington AAAP DPDsDownload
Annex A1 of Inspectors Examination ReportDownload
Annex A2 of Inspectors Examination ReportDownload
Annex B1 of Inspectors Examination ReportDownload
Annex B2 of Inspectors Examination ReportDownload
