Energy Efficiency

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HECA Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 Report

Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 places a requirement on local authorities to issue progress reports on the status of their plans to implement energy efficiency measures in the residential housing sector. The report details how Hyndburn will improve household energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. The second further report dated March 2015 can be viewed by clicking on the link below. Hyndburn’s report contains actions and activity under the following headings:-

HECA – Home Energy Conservation Act Report 2019

Local Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty Ambitions and Priorities – currently (2018 figures) 15.4% of homes or 5,552 households in Hyndburn are in fuel poverty our aim is to reduce this through activity detailed in the report.

Measures being taken to result in significant energy efficiency improvement of our residential accommodation – this includes the promotion of energy efficiency measures and schemes in the Borough.