Evidence Base & Supporting Information

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Evidence Base - Economy

Name Date Description
Background Paper 2 – Employment Land 2024 This paper has been prepared in support of the Local Plan 2040 Regulation 19 consultation.  It outlines the requirement for employment land over the Local Plan period of 2021-2040 and identifies the land to accommodate this. It provides an update to the employment land strategy and policy consulted on in the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan.
Economic Viability Assessment 2021 This assessment has been carried out to ensure the development proposed in the emerging plan is deliverable.  It assesses the impact of the emerging policies, including affordable housing requirements and considers the ability of development to accommodate developer contributions alongside other policy requirements.
Employment Land Study 2019 This provides as updated assessment of sites originally included in supply the Employment Land Study 2016
Employment Land Study 2016 Assesses the demand for employment land and the supply of land for employment development
Hyndburn Retail Study 2016 Provides a full assessment of retail needs in the Borough to 2033 and health checks of all Hyndburn town/district centres including recommendations for managing potential threats in the future.
Hyndburn Retail Thresholds Evidence Note 2016 Evidence note setting out the rationale and justification for implementing local floorspace thresholds in Hyndburn for retail impact assessments.