Hazardous Substances Consent

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Hazardous Substances Consent - advice for developers near existing sites

Planning applications  near to hazardous sites  may be affected and you can view the sites and their consultation distances on our online mapping system following the instructions on the Search for Hazardous Installations page, and the HIDC15_No can be found using the Query map tool.

Developers can access the HSE’s advice directly using the HSE  web app and will need the HIDC15_No for the search, (from the map Query tool)

Major hazard accident pipelines can be viewed on the Cadent Gas (successor to National Grid in the North West of England) website.

You can view the list of sites on our “Register of Hazardous Substances Consents” with their planning application numbers.

If you need to view individual applications for Hazardous Substances Consent enter the application number in the search box after following the instructions on this page of the  search planning applications page.

To comply with Government guidance on National Security considerations some or all of the substances, potential quantities on site and locations within the site may have been withheld. You can view the guidance by following the link below to the Cabinet Office.