Help Direct

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Get the Most Out of Life With Help Direct

Help Direct is a sign-posting service in place for all adults throughout East Lancashire and offers practical support, guidance and information regardless of situation or circumstances.

Help Direct can help with:

  • Health and fitness
  • Home and garden­
  • Feeling safe at home and in your community
  • Learning and leisure
  • Managing finances
  • Mobility and transport
  • Community groups and involvement
  • Getting the right help and support
  • Relationships and families
  • Employment, volunteering and training

Some of Help Direct’s initiatives:

  • The Safe Trader Scheme – working with Lancashire Trading Standards to help people to find reputable traders whilst supporting local businesses
  • Small Sparks funding – a small amount of money available to kick start, inject life or give a boost to community groups which improve the well-being of adults
  • Wellbeing Directory – a database of hundreds of local services, activities and groups used to help people find what they are looking for
  • Local Area Co-ordination (LAC) helping adults with learning disabilities to find social groups and activities

Contact Details –

0303 333 1111 (low cost rate)
Lines open Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 6.00pm, Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm