Holding Public Events in Hyndburn

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Organising an Event

Hyndburn Borough Council is supportive of events staged for local people within Hyndburn. There are different rules for larger events than for street parties. We also recognise that each event must be planned to ensure that it can be held safely. It is therefore necessary to follow the procedures below before you stage your event so that you can submit a fully completed event’s application form at least 6 weeks before the date of the event.

Events add colour, variety and character to our Borough. As an event organiser you make use of, and promote, the unique features of our Borough and highlight their individuality. For all of these positive reasons, Hyndburn Borough Council fully supports well organised events, and is happy to facilitate such events on its land.

Organising an event is hard work and you take on huge responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and Occupiers Liability Act 1957/1984 Regulations and Standards of Safety, but we are here to help you make sure that your event is as safe as it can be, and is successful and memorable for all the right reasons.

Why you need to ­give so much notice for applications

We receive increasing numbers of applications each year and the assessment process needs to be very thorough when events are taking place in public open spaces. Each event is quite different so applications are circulated to other departments within the council and outside agencies such as the Emergency Services, who need to be aware of your event. Officers will liaise with you directly if any aspect of your event raises concerns.

By allowing plenty of time officers and agencies can work with you to fine tune your event so that it is acceptable to all concerned. It can take many hours of work before approval can be given.


If your event requires a Temporary Road Closure Hyndburn Council Planning and Lancashire County Council Highways require a minimum of 12 weeks notice, in advance of your event date.


There are different rules for larger events than for street parties. We also recognise that each event must be planned to ensure that it can be held safely. It is therefore necessary to follow the procedures below before you stage your event.