Holding Public Events in Hyndburn

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Organising a Street Party

We have a ‘Street Party Guide’ that will help you to organise your event and apply for road closures, if necessary.

Street parties are a great British tradition and an important part of community life. They are a simple way to take time out from our busy lives and get to know our neighbours. Thousands of people across the country celebrated the Royal Wedding and the Diamond Jubilee with a street party and we want you to carry on with this without getting bogged down in paperwork and red tape.

Organising small, private street parties is very simple and generally does not include activities that need a licence, such as selling alcohol or providing certain types of entertainment.

Do you want to sell or serve alcohol at your event? 

If you want to have a pay bar or sell alcohol in another way or intend to provide entertainment to the wider public, or charge to raise money for your event, you will need a Temporary Event Notice.

Please note the completed application must be submitted to the Council at least 10 working days before the event (not counting the day the form is submitted or the day of the event).

What sort of events does this apply to?

This is about the sort of street parties that groups of residents get together to arrange for their neighbours. The main differences between a small street party and other public events are listed below:

For residents / neighbours only Anyone can attend
Publicity only to residents Externally publicity
In a quiet residential road or street In buildings, parks etc
Self-organised Professional / skilled organisers
Normally no insurance Insurance needed
No formal risk assessment needed Risk assessment common
No licences normally necessary unless the sale of alcohol is involved Licence usually needed


If you wish to apply to hold a street party use the street party pack for further details.