Holding Public Events in Hyndburn

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Risk Assessment


When we look at applications for events in our public open spaces, we must consider the wider picture. The public has a right to access these sites at all times, therefore events must be safe and not inconvenience local residents or people using the area.

We all make risk assessments every day – like when we cross the road, but when our actions involve others we need to take a more considered approach. Whether your event is on council or private land, risk assessments help you to look at your event in a different way, and provide evidence that your event has been organised responsibly. We recommend that risk assessments take place on site as they are a good tool for highlighting potential problems which may otherwise have remained undetected.

Even small events benefit from you taking steps to make sure that they are as safe as possible. In the long term it increases your confidence about your event, and that of official agencies, and of course the visiting public.