Holding Public Events in Hyndburn

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Advertising your Event


It’s no good having an event if no-one knows about it! However, please ensure that you have approval for an event prior to producing any marketing information.

Make sure that you plan your publicity and budget for it. This could include advertisements in local papers, posters, leaflets and flyers. If you are going to include posters remember that fly posting is illegal. Always get the landowner’s permission first.

The display of all advertisements is covered by the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 and further guidance is contained in the planning practice guidance suite.

The advertisement regulations allow some adverts to be displayed without requiring the consent of the local planning authority subject to various restrictions including size, illumination and the length of time that they can be displayed.

You will need to get the consent of the landowner before displaying any signs on land that does not belong to you irrespective of whether advertisement consent is required for the sign.