Holding Public Events in Hyndburn

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Organising Community Events


Why hold a community event?


Organising a community event can seem very daunting for small groups and the process can sometimes appear complex.  However, community events are worth doing and a successful event can be very satisfying for the organisers and for the people attending.

There are many reasons why your group might want to hold a community event, for example:

  • For fun and friendship in your local community
  • For publicity for your project
  • To celebrate the work of your group
  • To attract new members to your group
  • To increase the use of your green space
  • To try and involve hard to reach members of the community
  • To co-ordinate a work day/make a visual impact on the area
  • To help your project gain some momentum
  • To provide publicity to attract funders

Whatever your reason for holding an event, such activities are very important in developing community awareness and community events are essential for the long-term future of your project – so get organising!

Further essential information can be found in the links below including help in planning your event.

If you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact Hyndburn Borough Council on 01254 388 111 for help and advice.