Homeless in Hyndburn Forum

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Homelessness and Housing Advice

The Council is committed to preventing, wherever possible, homelessness occurring, but in those cases where it does, we provide a comprehensive assessment, support and resettlement service which is responsive to the needs of clients and that is aimed at preventing re-occurrence of homelessness.

We can offer advice, information and assistance to you if you are already homeless or may become homeless. We can provide resettlement support for homeless young people and families moving into a new tenancy or alternatively direct you to one of a range of supported accommodation units for single homeless people. Contact us to get help – you do not need an appointment.

Contact: Homelessness and Housing Advice Service
Email: strat@hyndburnbc.gov.uk
Telephone: 01254 388 111
Scaitcliffe House
Ormerod Street

Opening hours Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.45pm.