Homeless in Hyndburn Forum

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Temporary Accommodation Policies

Attached below are the Council’s policies to procure and allocate temporary accommodation for homeless households in the Borough.

  • The Policy on the Procurement of Temporary Accommodation– details how the Council will procure the provision of temporary accommodation and ensure that sufficient units are available to meet anticipated demand. The policy also refers to the location of the accommodation, the use of bed and breakfast, the standards of the accommodation used and arrangements for out of area placements.
  •  The Policy on the Allocation of Temporary Accommodation– details how the Council will allocate temporary accommodation to eligible homeless households, reflecting our strategic homeless priorities detailed in Hyndburn’s Homelessness Strategy 2014-2019 and the Council’s operational requirements. The policy refers to the standards and size of the accommodation, along with suitability for the homeless household, cost, length of stay and management standards.