Housing Strategy

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Hyndburn Tenancy Strategy

The Localism Act 2011 requires local authorities to develop tenancy strategies which set out their expectations for social landlords and the tenancies they grant in their district. You can look at Hyndburn’s strategy by clicking on the link below. The following points are the main aspects of the Hyndburn Strategy:-

  1. The use of fixed term / flexible tenancies should be the exception to ensure that social landlords make best use of local stock and maintain stable communities
  2. If a fixed term tenancy is granted it should not be for a period of less than 5 years with a presumption on the renewal of the tenancy for a new fixed term
  3. The social landlord will be required to provide timely and comprehensive advice and assistance if they will not be granting another fixed term tenancy
  4. The strategy sets out a series of provisions which comply with the Localism Act on succession rights, under occupation, relieving overcrowding and ensuring adapted housing is used for households requiring this accommodation to make best use of stock and meet local needs
  5. Specialist and supported housing for vulnerable households including sheltered housing for older people will be expected to be let on continuous tenancies necessary for tenants long term health and wellbeing.

Hyndburn’s Tenancy Strategy