Hyndburn Brownfield Register

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Brownfield Register


The Government has introduced statutory Brownfield Registers via the Housing and Planning Act 2016, and The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017. The purpose of a Brownfield Register is twofold:

1.To provide developers with a simple means of identifying developable brownfield sites through a standardised national dataset, that will be kept up-to-date and made publicly available; and

2.To grant Permission in Principle (PIP) for residential led development on those sites that are included on Part 2 of the Register, to encourage investment in local areas.

An overview of the  Brownfield Register can be viewed on the online mapping system (please read page 1 and 11 of the mapping system webpage if you haven’t used the system before).

The Council has made the Brownfield Register data available in the following formats for use externally:

  • CSV (Comma Separated Values)

and, for use in a GIS (Geographical Information System), the Register is available as either:

  • ESRI Shape (SHP) files
  • MID/MIF files

The above data formats are all available to download here Brownfield Register downloads. Please note: the correct schema field titles are truncated in the Shape file format so please read the README file (in the zip file) if full details are required.

Site Plans of each site listed on the Brownfield Register are also available to view below:

Individual site plans of Part 1 sites.

Individual site plans of proposed Part 2 sites (April 2018).